A blog by an American expatriate living in the heart of New Europe

"It's a lateral transfer" -- George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States
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  Warsaw, Poland

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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Getting what he deserves


Sejm overrides Kwaśniewski veto of construction-VAT refund bill

With the support of votes from all political clubs, the Sejm yesterday overturned the President's veto on the bill concerning refunding of costs on construction materials. This means that taxpayers will get a refund on part of the VAT tax spent on construction materials bought between May 1, 2004 and December 31, 2007. A total number of 388 deputies rejected the veto, while three refrained from voting. Even the Civic Platform (PO), which wanted to further discuss the matter just last week, voted to override the veto. The bill, which President Aleksander Kwaśniewski now has to sign, will enter into force soon. The Finance Ministry warns however, that the refunding of the expenses will cost the budget between zł.3-18 billion in the years 2006-2008. According to estimates prepared by Rzeczpospolita, the costs of financing this bill will cost a maximum of zł.5.9 billion, but most probably will come to some zł.2.7 billion.


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