A blog by an American expatriate living in the heart of New Europe

"It's a lateral transfer" -- George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States
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  Warsaw, Poland

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Monday, October 10, 2005

Record low turnout provokes reactions from Walesa and from Kwasniewski


The turnout on the Sunday Presidential election was higher than during the Parliamentary elections two weeks ago, but it was nevertheless the lowest in history. According to pollster TNS OBOP, the national turnout was 49.6%, but peaked in the Mazowiecki region at 56%. "We should carefully analyze the reasons for such a low frequency. It surely was not the outcome of the lack of the campaigns," commented outgoing president Aleksander Kwasniewski. He stated that he is still considering which candidate to choose in the second round. Lech Walesa did not conceal his anger on hearing about the low attendance. "When I fought for democracy I thought people would make use of it, but now I begin to wonder. We should have retained the Soviets, the communist system, the Militia, clubs - maybe it all lasted too short and now we see the result," he said.


Blogger Bialynia said...

What Walesa doesn't realize and Kwasniewski doesn't get is that apathy and the right NOT to vote, because you just don't give a damn, are time honored traditions in democratic nations! Once you win the fight for the right to vote you then start treating it like shit. When you get a puppy you spend all day with the damn thing, but once it gets older the damn dog has to take a dump by the door because you won't let it outside, that's what voting is like in Poland, and old dog.

I didn't vote in the 1996 US presidential elections because I thought it was a joke that the Republicans put up Bob Dole as a candidate. I exercised my right not to vote since I was certain of the outcome, and I was for Clinton!

10/11/2005 02:34:00 AM  

Blogger Gustav said...

Only fifteen years of democracy and already it's an old dog? How depressing.

We've had a discussion about the obligation for citizens to vote. Find it here.

Joke or no, either vote or don't complain about what you get.

Two weeks ago 60 percent of Poles thought that voting was a joke. As a result, Samoobrona won 12 percent of the vote, and the SLD won 11. Do you think these are really proportionate to sentiment in the country?

Though weak, these bunglehead parties are still a force to be reckoned with. If more had voted, that might not be true.

10/11/2005 02:18:00 PM  

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