PiS bigotry already rears its ugly head

homosexuality is a threat to liberty
Poland's likely next prime minister, Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz, has described homosexuality as "unnatural" and believes the state should stop gays "infecting" others with their behaviour, according to an interview.
"The spread of homosexuality is a threat to the liberty of other citizens, Marcinkiewicz, 46, named by the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party to lead the next government, told the Polish edition of Newsweek.
"If a person tries to contaminate others with his homosexuality, the state should intervene against such an attack on liberty," he added.
"Homosexuality is not natural. What is natural is the family. The state must protect the family," said Marcinkiewicz, a devout Roman Catholic and father of four.
The PiS party won the most seats in legislative polls held on September 25 and has been in talks with second-placed Civic Platform on forming a coalition government.
In June, when he was mayor of Warsaw, PiS party leader and presidential candidate Lech Kaczynski banned a gay parade in the capital.
"If a person tries to contaminate others with his homosexuality, the state should intervene against such an attack on liberty,"
But if heterosexual person try to contaminate ohetrs with his heterosexuality, it is only a natural thing?
Well, Poland is too conservative, but in other hand as I remember Poland as first country in the world, in 1926 abolish law about jail for homosexualism.
I'm not a fan of Radio Maryja but I think that homosexual marriages shuld be banned, because if we say "yes, you can stay in official pairs" today, they would say tommorow "We want childs!". I don't want to exterminate them, I'm tolerate person, but I don't want to see a children which would have a one-sex parents.
PS. Sorry for my English.
Rosie O'Donnell, for example, is a lesbian woman who has adopted three children legally and is giving them a warm, loving home.
Should we take her children away from her?
Good on ya, Andrew.
Perhaps Rosie O'Donnell was a bad example, but she was the first who came to mind.
Really, what's so scary about gay couples adopting children?
Can we afford to deny our orphans stable, loving homes?
Speaking of California -
I don't like Arnold's veto of the gay marriage bill, but he has a point when he says it contradicts the referendum you all held, don't it? (Was it prop 22?)
Really, what's so scary about gay couples adopting children?
Well, many persons think that homosexualist parent will bring up the child homosexual. I don't think that this is reliable thing. We don't know how will look children with homosexual parents (whihc are in legal pair!), yet. Time will reveal if it was a mistake or an right decision.
I have my own opinion and you had yours, and I don't want to make some flame-war na this blog, so I will end discussion with you ;)
I love the bit about 'homosexuality spreading...'! What is that guy on?
A flame war is always just what I'm lookin' for viader. This blog hopes to generate passionate discussion.
To say that we "don't know" how kids will turn out if they are brought up by gay parents isn't true I think. Gay folks have been bringing up kids throughout history, we just didn't KNOW they were gay - or we didn't admit that we knew.
Interestingly, homosexuality can be observed in other animals as well. They often care for their young, under some circumstances, and it doesn't seem to affect them.
A flame war is always just what I'm lookin' for viader. This blog hopes to generate passionate discussion.
Well, I can discuss this question. ;) But with no ironic commentaries, please?
I think that is experiment, becuase children who are bringed up by homosexual parents, who don't have to hide their sexual orientation will tolerate homosexualism (not: they will be homosexual). Of course you are right that it was in history but now we can watch how it will look when they LEGALLY bring up their children (I know that there was in history).
Pozdrovka for all (it's kind of Polish "pozdraiwam" ;) )
becuase children who are bringed up by homosexual parents, who don't have to hide their sexual orientation will tolerate homosexualism
Its just a matter of time until this hurdle of Civil Rights is crossed nearly worldwide I think.
But violently or non-violently? I'm encouraged by the progress in places like Canada and Spain, but we're going to have to wait a long time before this hurdle is crossed "worldwide". And I'm unsure whether the issue won't lead to violence even in places like the States.
Its just a matter of time until this hurdle of Civil Rights is crossed nearly worldwide I think. Then, bigots like Viader will be both bitter and intolerant.
Me a bigot?
Did you had ever talk to typical Radio Maryja listener? Or to the people who were voting on LPR?
If you think that I'm a bigot you should talk to some of them, and compare their utterances with mine. You would hearthings like anti semitism and conspiracy theories (In Radio Maryja, Rydzyk said that "500 000 Jews will be settled in Poland in next years"), and about anti-catholic Europe where catholicism is being deleted by Jews, and other "evil types".
I don't want to kill gays, I don't want to limit civil rights for them, I accept the homosexual marriages, but I think that homosexualists bringing up children are not good parents.
becuase children who are bringed up by homosexual parents, who don't have to hide their sexual orientation will tolerate homosexualism
I used not matching words ;) In former times in many European cultures homosexualism was treated like scruvy thing. Children which had one-sex parents who were homosexualists or people who had bents to it, were teached by school, Church, and populace that homosexualism is an heavy sin, and dishonor thing. Now, when homosexualists are accepted by populaces (only in West Europe, sadly) their children are brong up in completly different atmosphere.
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